Engaging & Enriching Student Experiences | Consortium of Florida Education Foundations

Engaging & Enriching
Student Experiences

Education Transforms Lives

Every student deserves a strong education experience that empowers them to become their best. That’s why education foundations fund classroom innovation to help students realize their potential and prepare for the fast-changing postsecondary world.
While each education foundation is shaped by its community and guided by its board of directors, they focus the majority of their student-centered investments on the beginning and ending years of the K-12 journey.


Local School District Education Foundation Matching Grant Program participants served 99% of Florida’s 3 million K-12 public school students!

Early Learning & Literacy

As national research suggests, early literacy development, including kindergarten readiness and third-grade literacy rates, is linked with later school achievement, high school graduation, and lifetime earning potential.

In Florida, just 50% of students enter kindergarten ready to learn and 49% of Florida’s third-graders are reading on grade-level. Unfortunately, for children living in poverty, kindergarten-readiness and third-grade literacy rates can be even lower for those who do not participate in Florida’s VPK program

Working to address such significant gaps, education foundations have a variety of initiatives aimed at increasing literacy rates. Through the School District Education Foundation Matching Grant Program alone last school year, 93,000 students across the state were directly impacted through early learning and literacy initiatives.

Coast to Coast Impact Stories

College, Career & Life Readiness

While a high school diploma was once the ticket to the middle class, that is clearly no longer the case. Experts say 72% of jobs will require a degree or credential by 2031 and Florida’s current attainment level is at 54.5%.  (Source: Florida College Access Network)


Education foundations support the vision of every student having a plan for life after high school by helping students through mentoring, career exploration initiatives, sparking and expanding career academies in schools and support for the college-going process including campus visits, test preparation and FAFSA completion.


Florida’s local education foundations collectively invest more than $17 million annually in scholarships for deserving high school graduates. Many serve as an intermediary for local donors and ease the burden on families and school counselors by managing a centralized application and award process, matching students with individual scholarship criteria.


Similarly, when a partner is interested in having an impact in multiple school districts, we facilitate regional and statewide career exploration programs such as the HCA Healthcare Foundation’s Career Pathways to a Healthier Florida initiative and scholarship investments including the Suncoast Credit Union Scholars Program through our network.

Coast to Coast Impact Stories

Career & Technical Education Programs

Whether a student opts for a traditional college route or not, we believe career exposure and exploration should be available for all students. Florida has more than 570,000 open jobs – many of them in high-skill, high-wage industries. 


Florida’s skills gap is a big challenge and with an additional 5 million residents expected by 2030, there is no better time than to address it now. Florida’s local education foundations are well-positioned to encourage the creation and expansion of career and technical education programs through our school districts by increasing investment and involvement among local and national business partners. 


With statewide shortages and projected gaps for the foreseeable future, the need to increase student interest in healthcare careers and successful participation in high school health science academies is growing. 


Our partnership with Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation offers a solution to these growing concerns, enabling 14 education foundations to craft locally driven initiatives that encourage middle and high school students to explore and excel in healthcare careers.

Coast to Coast Impact Stories

Driving Hands-On STEM Learning

Studies consistently show that increasing student interest in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (STEM) in the early years of their education leads to more likelihood of pursuing STEM-related careers.  


School districts rely on their education foundation partners to connect them to the industries that are key to economic development for Florida to provide enriching educational opportunities for students that spark interest in STEM. 


As Florida continues to grow in economic sectors like Aviation, Manufacturing, and more, it’s imperative that students have hands-on learning opportunities to give them exposure to and even a head start on in-demand careers.

Coast to Coast Impact Stories

You Can Enrich Learning Experiences for Students

Through one single investment in the Consortium, we can facilitate investments in engaging and enriching student experiences on a regional, statewide, or programmatic basis.
Let us help you make the connection for meaningful impact for every dollar through our network of local education foundations.