The “ConnectED” conference for the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations in Orlando on September 19 provided a great opportunity to surprise three Florida local education foundation leaders for their leadership and strong engagement with the Consortium and their peers across the state.
Canova was selected for her consistent engagement with the Consortium over many years. She has tapped into new resources and funding for Bradford County students and teachers offered by the Consortium and eagerly shares their all-volunteer education foundation’s best practices in fundraising and program work with colleagues across the state.
Newman routinely shares with her colleagues at quarterly Consortium conference and taps into new resources to benefit local students and teachers. She consistently seeks professional development opportunities and recently successfully completed the Certificate in Education Foundation (CEFL) program of the National Association of Education Foundations.
Ethridge was chosen from among 360 staff members of local education foundations throughout Florida for her leadership and support of colleagues in other school districts. She is known for taking a hands-on approach when supporting peers, including providing step-by-step guidance to support them in adopting new approaches to career and technical education programs.