Our Story
A Timeline of Impact
Most of Florida’s local education foundations were started after 1984 legislation (F.S.S. 1001.453) allowing for one direct support organization (DSO) in each of Florida’s county-wide school districts to support and recognize K-12 students, teachers, and schools where budgets fall short and tax dollars don’t allow. Today, about half of local education foundations DSOs and others operate more autonomously, but all are the single recognized nonprofit aligned with their school district.
The first formal meeting of the Consortium took place in 1992. Our Consortium was entirely volunteer-led for more than a decade, fostering peer-to-peer support for Florida’s emerging local education foundations.

In 2000, the State of Florida provided initial funding for the School District Education Foundation Matching Grant Program with the Consortium as its administrator. It remains the nation’s only 1:1 match for K-12 initiatives led by local education foundations.


In 2022, the Consortium received a groundbreaking award from the Florida Department of Education for “Resiliency Through the Community,” mobilizing American Rescue Plan funds to take a proactive approach to building resiliency skills in our students amid rising concerns in youth mental health and well-being through innovative, locally driven programs that align with Florida’s newly adopted character education standards.
That same year, the Consortium was selected to be a New Worlds Reading Initiative Regional Partner by the University of Florida Lastinger Center for Learning. Together with twenty-two members, the Consortium is helping increase enrollment in Florida’s free book delivery program for eligible families.

Today, several regional, statewide and programmatic-focused partnerships are facilitated by the Consortium, encouraging education foundations to explore and expand their engagement with students and teachers.